=============================================== Intel Microprocessor Identification Utility =============================================== April 1995: This executable file will identify the type of Intel microprocessor your PC contains. It will also tell you whether or not your Pentium(R) processor has the floating point divide flaw. To run the Microprocessor Identification Utility, exit Windows*, OS/2* or Unix* to DOS. At the DOS prompt, type A:\CPUIDF and press Enter. The program takes only a few seconds to run. After the program runs, the identification of the microprocessor is displayed on screen. If the program identifies yours as a Pentium processor containing the floating point divide flaw, you can receive authorization for a replacement at any time during the life of your PC by calling Intel's Pentium Processor Support Hotline. If the program displays the message that it is not running in real mode, then you should do the following: For users with the Intel Microprocessor Identification Utility diskette: 1. Make sure the Intel Microprocessor Utility diskette is in Drive A and is not write protected. 2. At the DOS prompt, type: SYS A: 3. Wait for the DOS prompt to return. 4. Exit all applications. 5. With the diskette still in Drive A, reboot the system from the diskette. It will automatically run the CPUIDF program in real mode. For users who downloaded the Intel Microprocessor Identification Utility: 1. Put a new diskette into Drive A. 2. At the DOS prompt, type: FORMAT A:/S COPY CPUIDF.EXE A: 3. Exit all applications. 4. With the diskette still in Drive A, reboot the system from the diskette. 5. At the DOS prompt, type: CPUIDF *Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.